Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is becoming more of a useful tool in the hands of businesses who know how to best use it to promote their business. People have embraced it to share those sought after pictures of their cats doing something crazy while businesses have come late to the party to embrace the ability to create and foster more casual relationships with customers and the public than simply asking them to buy something with an impersonal advertisement.

Facebook and Twitter reign as the two primary social media websites for day to day communication with customers. These seem to be on the fore-front of people’s minds when they answer ‘What is Social Media?’.

Youtube!, however, offers an extremely powerful social media marketing channel by which to communicate to customers. It’s simply staggering what frequent videos released by a business can do for their search engine rankings and customer engagement, especially when distributed throughout their other social avenues.

Along with utilizing Youtube! for your business’s social media marketing, few tools can be better applied than blogs written on a weekly basis for your company. These custom blogs for business are in a more professional voice than your Facebook and Twitter posts, and need not be regulated to quarterly catch-ups like older forms of company ‘newsletters’. Some of the most powerful blogs are those that relate to your industry / service, thereby drawing search engines to associate your web page more with the content covered in blogs. It can be a very effective way to sharpen your SEO social media marketing.

Contact Magnetic Arrow today and learn about the options for social media management we can offer – with a staff of professional writers and designers, your better public face is only a contact away.

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